$29,974/mo UNIQUE Helium 10 Tutorial

Continuous product research is crucial for Amazon FBA sellers. “Winning” products can generate millions of dollars of revenue per year. However, finding, sourcing, and selling winning products requires the right processes, tools, and a hefty dose of creativity to boot. If you’re sick and tired of finding products that don’t sell, don’t generate profit, or are highly over-saturated, this tutorial is for YOU. The truth is that everyone uses the same product research tools and comes up with the same results. This blog will talk about unique ways to do product research using Helium 10, methods that may generate up to $30k per month. Let’s dive in!

My Unique Helium 10 Product Research Process 

You have to be creative when doing product research, and it’s vital to find a product that other sellers cannot mimic or copy easily. Implement this step-by-step process to find yourself a winning product. 

Please note: I use Helium 10 in this article, but you can use these strategies with ANY product research software. 

Here is a quick overview for sellers who aren’t aware of Helium 10. Helium 10 is an Amazon product research and keyword research platform. Sellers can use their tools to scan Amazon’s entire product database and hone in on niche products with high sales potential. Additionally, Helium 10 offers keyword research tools to allow sellers to find search terms with the most traffic, which I will be using for this tutorial.

Step 1 Find Long-Tail Keywords 

Using Magnet2 within Helium 10, we will first look at unique long-tail keywords being searched for by shoppers but are not yet overrun with sellers. We will focus on products with demand, but where there are holes in the supply that we can fill with our products. To find out what to type into the keyword research tool, I head over to Amazon best-sellers. 

I select a product category, like “Bed & bath,” and check out the best-selling products within that category. The idea is to uncover products that sell well and drill them down into a sub-niche. For example, if shower curtains sell like hotcakes, there is an opportunity for you to find a specialized version, like boho shower curtains, seasonal shower curtains, ruffled shower curtains, etc.  Type “Shower curtains” into Helium 10’s Magnet2 tool and look at the long-tail keywords it spits out.

Step 2 Narrow Down Targeted Keywords in Helium 10

To uncover the niches and sub-niches within that product, use filters in Magnet2 to narrow down and locate the best-targeted keywords. While “Shower curtains” might result in thousands of keyword results, a few filters can help you find a more granular list.

TO get started, look at the Magnet IQ score, search volume (minimum of 1k per month), word count (minimum of 2), and let the list populate with these filters. From there, you will sort by search volume and scroll down to keywords with under 10k searches per month, or even just a few thousand. Be patient and look through sub-niches, like “Boho shower curtains,” to find a customer need that isn’t too competitive or saturated. You can click through a few search terms on Magnet 2 to be redirected to the Amazon listing. You will use the Helium 10 extension to look at revenue per month for that product within the Amazon listing. 

Pro tip: Don’t reinvent the wheel; see what others are doing well and emulate when possible. For example, if there is a specific boho shower curtain design that seems to be selling, see if you can sell a similar style. 

Our goal is to find products with high sales and low reviews because there’s an opportunity to grow. Another example of a sub-niche within the “bed & bath” product category would be “Rose gold bathroom accessories.” As you can see in the image below, this “Rose gold Qtip holder” generates nearly $9k/month in revenue with only seventy-three customer reviews. Another product, a rose gold cotton ball holder, generates almost $30k/month with less than three hundred reviews. It’s clear to see that people want these products, there isn’t an overabundance of sellers, and there’s an opportunity to cash in. 

Go Down The Rabbit Hole 

Unsaturated niches, like rose gold Q Tip holders, offer Amazon FBA sellers a special opportunity to drive revenue like crazy, but remember, you must be creative. I encourage you to go down the “rabbit hole,” so to speak, and think of ways that you can offer products no one else is offering. If rose gold Q Tip holders and cotton ball holders both sell well individually, why not bundle them together at a slightly lower price than the single items? This way, you will have a unique product no other seller has, and one that you know will be successful because the demand is there. So, go down the rabbit hole and find different niches, sub-niches, and bundles. 

Continuous product research is a must for Amazon FBA sellers; however, finding, sourcing, and selling winning products requires creative thinking and new processes. Every seller uses the same product research tools and comes up with the same results. This is a unique way to do product research that may generate up to $30k per month. So, give it a try and see the results that follow. 

Remember, I am always here to answer any questions you may have about product research or anything else Amazon. Be sure to use my Helium 10 code if you want to use this tool, as it will save you 50%. You can also use this strategy for Jungle Scout or other Amazon product research platforms. If you want to do product research for FREE, click here.

My YouTube channel is here to keep you in the loop with the latest Amazon seller updates, so don’t forget to subscribe. 

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