How To Pick A Product Idea That Won’t Be Stolen

Think of Amazon as a fiercely competitive marketplace of products. It’s international, and not everyone is ethical. When your product gets to a certain level of sales, you become a target for sellers who start hijacking your listing, or counterfeiters who start trying to steal your sales.

I’ve got strong feelings myself about these kinds of creeps (calling them “scum sellers”). But, it’s more important for you to realize that this is a possibility, and to know how to protect yourself.

Realize What Attracts Product Idea Thieves

They are looking for a way to make a bunch of money off your hard work…without having to do any of the work. These are some of the things they’re looking for:

They are looking for products with high monthly sales that are generic products that they can easily replicate.
They love to hijack trending products where they can make a quick buck and move on.
Your product is an ideal target if you don’t do any product branding on your packaging AND on your listing photos.

Make Sure You’re Not A Target

There is a way not to be targeted by thieves. Sell products that have between $5,000 – $15,000 in monthly sales. In general, products with monthly sales above $15K start to attract the worst elements on Amazon. Above $15K, you’re not only entering into an area with too much competition, but you also become a target of thievery.

Staying in this zone will make sure you have enough monthly sales to make money, but not so much that you draw the wrong attention your way.

In my Amazon Wealth Accelerator, I help students learn how to avoid product thievery.

Book a 1:1 call with me to talk about whether you’d be a good fit for my program, Amazon Wealth Accelerator. I’ll be excited to talk with you.

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