I Got Stabbed In The Back, Big Time.

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Stabbing Cam In The Back

Recently, I have been having some upper shoulder, back, and neck pain. Now I have always been super tight and immobile in this region, but lately, it has gotten much worse.

After meeting with a Physical Therapist, I was introduced to Dry Needling.

Where they literally stick a needle, similar to an acupuncture needle, into trigger points of your muscle (tight band of muscle fiber) to help release and help it fire.

A little nervous of this idea, I gave it a shot and after some poking around in my upper back and some erratic twitching of my muscles…

I went from being able to lift my arm about 75% of the way to my head to being able to fully extend my shoulder to my ear and my arm straight up in the air within the first session.

I guess I had the flexibility to get to that point but my muscles were not firing correctly to allow me to have that full mobility, where the dry needle got those muscles to fire again! WILD! 

If you give this shot, of course, make sure you have an experienced professional! Video here if you want to check out what it looks like.

Music I Am Listening To

Pink Floyd (Apple Music, Spotify) – I know, I know…the generations who came before me are probably saying “Well, duh Pink Floyd is legendary”.

Well I have a sad confession, this is the first time I’ve actually listened to their music intently. Have to say, it’s living up to the hype and makes awesome work music.

The more I listen, the more I seem to like it as well!

For you others who are wondering, I am not experimenting with LSD while I am listening, so calm down 😉

What I Do In a Rut

More than I would like to admit, I fall into a pretty big rut in life and in work.

To me, a rut can be a lot like extreme burn out, where I find it incredibly hard finding motivation to do anything with work and even little things in everyday life.

Now I am sure a few of you can probably relate to this from time to time…

Especially, if you face a lot of daily pressures in entrepreneurship or life in general.

I want to share what I TRY to do to get out of my funk as soon as possible.

I emphasize “try” because everything you do when in this funk takes that much more will power to do.

If you are in a funk, try doing these things to get the blood flowing and elevate the mood:

1. Take a long long walk 

On these walks, do NOT take your phone with you. If you do, I will slap you. This defeats the whole purpose. At this time, you most likely have been flooded with too much stimulus and your brain just needs a break.

The combination of no stimulus from cheap sources (like your phone), walking to get the blood moving through your body and brain to clear out garbage, the sun giving you vitamin D which is proven to boost mood, and if you are able to get into nature, the certain calming and cleansing effect to that.

Pro Hack – Do a full-blown workout. Getting the heart rate up, sweating, and the endorphins you get from working out can be almost medicinal.

2. Get out and socialize 

Nothing like getting you out of your head then holding conversation, laughing, and being in the moment. For me, this is a hard one. The last thing I want to do when I’m feeling burnt out is to go out and socialize.

Everytime I force myself to do so, I always feel better. I try to avoid heavy drinking when feeling poorly, which seems to make things draw out even longer.

3. Find something stress free to focus on

There is something cleansing about being in a flow of doing something that requires little to no critical thinking.

Like doing a puzzle, reading a good book, or even playing a video game (careful with this one, consider it a cheap source of stimulus). These types of activities are almost like an active form of meditation and can accelerate me getting out of my funk. 
There are many other things to look at as well! Diet, TV watching, social media, toxic relationships, etc.. but these are some good activities that seem to really help me when I get the extra willpower to do so.

Of course, I am not the be all and end all when it comes to advice on these topics, but something I am always working on and thought I would share.

Hope it can help you out a bit!

How to List Your First Product On Amazon Seller Central

Listing your first product on Amazon can be such an intimidating task since there are so many steps you have to follow.

For example, you have to deal with things like variations, branding, shipping, and much more… And if you mess anything up, it could cost you hours of your time fixing it later.

So if you want to get it right the first time without any errors, be sure to check out my latest video where I go over exactly how to list your first product step by step.

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my Facebook group. On Tuesday, I’ll make a post asking for questions. On Sunday, I’ll go live and answer those questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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