What I Am Investing In…

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

What I Am Thinking About 

We have just hit December…

What that means, is that by the end of month we are officially done with the 2022 tax season.

One of my favorite things to do as a business owner is to write off a lot of my expenses against my business to lower my tax bill.

This is usually when I will start grabbing items that I have been thinking about but haven’t pulled the trigger on such as some new studio lights and maybe one of those fancy 4k cameras to shoot my Youtube videos with.

My latest expense that I will be writing off is joining a program about how to grow on platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok. Which I believe I can use for myself and for potential product brands.

Now, I am not encouraging you to go out and recklessly spend just because it’s a write off…

I think this would be a big mistake.

But if there is something for the business you NEED, and it would be a good year to write it off, it’s something to note!

What I Am Experimenting With

This year I’ve completed a 3-day fast and another 2-day fast (this was supposed to be 3 days but someone made eggs and sausage for dinner and it was over in seconds).

Now, these were pretty tough, but not as bad as I thought they would be…

The more I learn about fasting, the more benefits I see as well. 

What also helps is that I see a lot of very wealthy and successful people I look up to doing this. This made me really start taking it seriously.

Some of the benefits I saw from doing this:

Yes, I lost a little bit of weight and if you ‘refeed’ properly after the fast you can keep a lot of that weight off.

I cut out a lot of cravings and food addictions after the fast.

Doing this full reset allows you to see that you are just eating some of these foods for quick hits of dopamine or that you are just bored.

This also resets your cravings, as after my fast I no longer craved a handful of potato chips or something sweet after a meal.

Increased focus and clarity. Now, I personally did not get to this point. I’ve heard that after you get used to fasting and your body enters ketosis much quicker (fat storage burning for fuel), you can see this on day 3 or so.

All I felt was low energy and it was hard to focus on much of anything.

I’ve done the keto diet before so I understand the clarity and focus you get once you enter ketosis, I just didn’t get there.

I believe that’s from me being too carb heavy of late.

After the fast, I do feel very energized, and very clear. Especially if I eat clean afterwards, and avoid processed, sugary, fried foods.

My midday tiredness goes away and I just feel more even throughout the day.

Lastly, I do it for the longevity effects or autophagy for fellow health nerds.

Here is a great video on fasting going over a lot of the benefits if you are curious! https://youtu.be/gHO4ejwY4f4

What I Am Listening To While Working

I am a sucker for some really good deep work, no-word music.

Here is what I am currently grooving too while putting in focused time: https://youtu.be/oPVte6aMprI

What I Am Thinking About Getting Myself For Christmas 

Hypervolt Massage Gun – I’ve had the pleasure of using these at my gym from time to time, and I am blown away by how well it works. 
I struggle with recovery after hard workouts and there are some tight areas (upper back / traps) that nothing seems to work on.

This is able to take away a lot of the muscle soreness and get me loose again, as well help my traps and upper back relax so they aren’t so tight.

I have a cheaper no brand version, but it really isn’t the same. I might have to upgrade this holiday season.

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my Facebook group. On Tuesday, I’ll make a post asking for questions. On Sunday, I’ll go live and answer those questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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