Your salad is killing you?

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Vegetables Are Bad For You?

Dr. Paul Saladino (or Carnivore M.D.) was once a vegan, he struggled with bloating, feeling like crap, and even auto immune issues.

He now firmly believes that vegetables contain plant defense chemicals that can be very problematic to humans.

Essentially saying vegetables are bad for you..wild huh?

Especially since we all grew up hearing you have to ‘eat your vegetables’ to be healthy!

He now uses a full “Animal based diet” where he says he is thriving. Watch a couple videos of him at nearly the age of 50, and I would have to agree.

I have adopted a lot of what he preaches as far as avoiding processed foods that are making you sick, and understanding how toxic our environment and food has become due to our own faults.

Things like avoiding seed oils and eating organ meats. Overall, I do see improvements to this.

Whether you can say vegetables are bad for you…I am not sure.

Something that I don’t eat much of anyways, but I am not going to shy away from some asparagus from time to time.

Whether you believe in his diet choices or not, he has incredible insight from real studies about the dangers of our processed food in America. 

Worth watching to take a thing or two away from.

Best way to get introduced to him is to watch a couple of his youtube shorts to see what he is all about. Can watch starting here.

Quote To Ponder

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

— Arnold Schwarzenegger

This Week’s Blog

6 Crucial Reasons To Use A+ Content

Live Q&A

In this week’s Live Q&A, I talked about how to respond to 1-star reviews. I also answered a variety of questions on:

  • Shipping Plans
  • PPC
  • Product Photos
  • And much more…

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my YouTube Channel. Every Wednesday, I go live to answer your questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me, and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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