This is helping me sleep much better…

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Mountain Valley Spring Water

Recently, I’ve been getting about 25 gallons of spring water delivered to my house every month. 

I pay ~ $60 per month on the website itself, and I get it delivered to my house in glass bottles because I don’t want it in the plastic; especially when it’s sitting out in the sun because they deliver it to your front door.

I do this because I really am not a big fan of tap water, which has a lot of chlorine & fluoride in it that humans shouldn’t be drinking.

There is this free website where you can check out the Tennessee water, and on it you can see that it has 500x the Carcinogenic chemicals you’re recommended to have.

It also has 47x more Bromodichloromethane than there should be, 23x Chloroform, 565x Haloacetic acids, etc. – which are all cancer causing things.

So this is a big reason for me to get spring water, which is clean and right from the source.

If you want to check out your water, you can just type in your zip code on the site.

Park City, Utah

I just spent a week in Park City, Utah for the first time ever for a surgery (will share details on this next week).

Obviously, I knew it was a big ski town. I was shocked at how beautiful it was in the summer. They have giant rolling green hills, big lakes, houses on mountain tops, beautiful sunset, sun rises, and the weather was beautiful.

I pretty much fell in love with this place and it’s somewhere I’m going to go back to more and more.

I love mountain towns in the winter for skiing, but I can’t ski for seven days straight. So honestly, I feel like it’s better in the summer.

Sleeping Better

Something I’ve added to my sleeping routine lately is Glycine, which is pretty much like a building block to Collagen.

There is much more to it than that, but it has helped me sleep much better. I take this along with magnesium and CBD oil sometimes.

Obviously, some of the biggest things with sleep is to not eat too close to bedtime, no caffeine after 2 p.m., going to bed at the same time every night, and getting some sunlight in your eyes in the morning.

But Glycine seems to help knock me out faster, since I can lay in bed for 30 minutes up to an hour if my mind’s racing.

This Week’s Blog

How Much Money Do You Need to Start an Amazon FBA Business?

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

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