Having A Bad Day?

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Having A Bad Day?

Usually, when we look up at people achieving what we want to achieve on social media, we think their lives are perfect.

We think they don’t get angry or upset, or they are robotic on their journey.

With that, we feel guilty when we have a bad day or feel like shit.

When the truth is that we are all human and all still have those days.

This video blog from Leila Hormozi, CEO and Founder of a 100 million dollar company Acquisition.com, shows behind the scenes of her having a rough day and that she is indeed human.

To me, these types of insights are incredibly valuable to show that we are all alike, and that we should not beat ourselves up because we didn’t have the ‘perfect’ day.

This will allow us to recover from rough patches much quicker and not put us in a cycle of bad days -> guilt/anger -> more bad days.

What I Am Watching

Fury (A WWII epic)

My man crush for Brad Pitt and my insane love for the history of WWII, how could I not love this?

In this movie, Brad Pitt is the captain of the tank named Fury. It details the last days of the war as the Americans are heading into Germany.

Obviously, tons of action with tank battles, rescues, ambushes, and everything else that comes with a great war movie.

The part that gets me the most is the incredible job they do of showing the real emotions of war, and the toll they take on people. Entertained and emotional the whole time.

Clear Space = Clear Mind

Recently upgraded my office desk to be much bigger! I can’t stand having clutter in my work space, and came to the conclusion that I just needed more desk space.

After looking at tons of new standing desks, I was not about to pay $1500 for them.

I found a better solution, I was able to find this new desk tabletop and use my old standing desk legs to put it all together for about $300.Big fan of standing desks to make sure I am not sitting all day, but damn are they expensive.

For anyone looking for a more frugal way of doing it, especially if you need a bigger workspace, buy the tabletop and the standing desk legs separately on Amazon.

New legs run about $300 and the desk table is around the same. Much better than $1000-$1500 for the same thing.

Quote Of The Week

“It just takes work. Shit loads and shit loads of work. Every time I try and dress it up or cut a corner I get brutally reminded:

The work just needs doing.”

— Alex Hormozi

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my YouTube Channel. Every Wednesday, I go live to answer your questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

Here’s to a great weekend!

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