This Helped Christina Make Her First Sale In Just 2 Weeks…

One of the students inside of my Amazon Wealth Accelerator mentorship program is celebrating her fast start.

After launching her first product two weeks ago, Christina just made her first few sales!

But I’ll let Christina explain the rest in her own words…

“After a journey of product research, finding the right vendor, sampling products, learning PPC, and much more .. it is time to see the fruit of our labor paying off!

This community has been amazing to be able to share lessons and drive motivation to keep pressing forward to get to this point (& it’s only the beginning). Thank you coaches for always working so hard to help us throughout this process and drive us to be better versions of ourselves!

All I can say is: persistence, patience, consistency, and the responsibility you have to yourself to learn and go after what you want is the key to driving and making this business successful.

I’m so excited to continue this journey within the community and learn with you all as we grow to even bigger and better things!”

Want to be a part of an Amazon community? Let’s talk, one on one, and see if you’re ready to get started.

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