How’d Napa Hit $30k Per Month?

One of the students inside of my Amazon Wealth Accelerator mentorship program is celebrating a huge milestone she just hit.

After two and a half years of selling on Amazon, Napa just hit $30k per month. She’s absolutely crushin’ it!

Her perseverance and being around other successful sellers helped her get to this point, but here’s what she had to say below…

“I finally hit $30k after 2.5 years of selling. My journey has been a roller coaster.

  • It was quite difficult mentally to keep going when things went downhill. Whether it was Chinese sellers copying my product and undercutting the price, or my researched product not performing as expected, it was tough.
  • My journey took longer than many others, but I got there. Don’t feel discouraged if things don’t go right. Try to find something else to do while waiting for production or new products to arrive to avoid frustration.
  • Keep in mind that everyone finds success at a different pace, so don’t blame yourself if your progress is slower.
  • Don’t become complacent once you find a great selling product; it can also decline at some point, so stay alert.

Lastly, thanks to this awesome group for making me feel involved and alive in this business. Seeing successful sellers really helped me keep going. 😊”

Think you could be next? Book a 1:1 call with my team and we’ll see if you’re ready to get started.

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