Leslie: How’d She Hit $18k Per Month…

One of the students inside of my Amazon Wealth Accelerator mentorship program is celebrating a huge milestone she reached.

Leslie just hit $18k in the US market and $12k in Canada. She’s absolutely crushin’ it!

Leslie’s USA Sales
Leslie’s Canada Sales

For anyone just getting started, here’s Leslie’s advice for getting to this point.

Don’t sleep on Canada! While all my efforts have been on the US market, I also listed and sent inventory to Canada thinking it might just help cover a couple of expenses but it’s quickly become a steady income source!

What I’ve learned from the Canadian market is while it is a much smaller market (aka less sales) there is also a lot less competition. Therefore in my experience, it’s been much easier to rank each product and maintain higher margins without really any extra work.

Also, mentality is EVERYTHING. I’ve had a heck of a year dealing with listing high-jackings, issues with certifications, and a manufacturer causing me to lose $20k.

This most definitely takes perseverance, but I’ve never allowed myself to have a plan B so THIS is it. And with every issue, there is eventually a solution and business keeps ticking, so keep at it! That being said, I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go.

The AWA element that has helped me most so far is the videos helping me to learn PPC better and Camron and Caner’s help with this. Before AWA I didn’t think you could use PPC and still be profitable so this has been a valuable resource for me!”

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