A Story of Revenge

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

A Story of Revenge 

We all have heard stories or have been victims of sneaky little thieves walking up to your front door and snatching your Amazon package.

In San Francisco, this problem goes much bigger from people stealing off porches to systematically breaking car window after car window on a busy street to see what they can find inside.

There is one man in San Francisco who is trying to take matters into his own hands since he can’t get the help from authorities.

This man’s name is Mark Rober and someone I wish I would have found out a long time ago.

Mark is a mechanical engineer that builds glitter bomb packages installed with stink spray and other criminal infuriating gadgets that look like your everyday packages.

Then when the criminal steals the package, they get a nice little surprise that is all caught on cameras they installed in the package. 

This is a wildly entertaining channel, and highly recommend a watch if you have some free time…

Car Thieves vs the Final GlitterBomb 5.0 by Mark Rober

Netflix Series I Recently Binged 

Ancient Apocalypse with Graham Hancock – Graham is a journalist who has been researching ancient civilizations for decades.

He believes that there were humans long before our history books have told us about, who were very technologic advanced and were wiped out by Younger Dryas impact (meteor impacts) around 14.5k years ago. 

Mainstream academy doesn’t like Graham’s theories, but in his new series there is some actual evidence that really makes you think this could be a possibility and that there is much we don’t understand.

Plus, I am a sucker for anything that involves ancient civilizations especially who had advanced technology and built massive structures, so anything on the late night history channel lol.

Raunchy Comedies to Get Me to Sleep Faster

I have always been a believer that you should go to bed with no TV on and no stimulus at all to make sure you get the deepest sleep possible and wake up feeling your best.

The problem with me is that if I lay in complete silence and darkness my mind will start going a million miles a minute and I end up laying there for 2 hours anyways.

Lately, I have been watching South Park before bed and drifting asleep within 15 minutes! 

Something about mindless comedy keeps my thoughts from running wild. Who would have thought?

I make sure I still wear blue blocking glasses during this, and then on my laptop, which I use to watch, has an app called F.lux which turns off the blue light of my screen so that my body doesn’t think it’s daytime.

Been getting some of the best sleep in a long time. Probably not for everyone, but just reminds me that there is no black and white best for all rules in life. Sometimes you have to find what works for you!

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my Facebook group. On Tuesday, I’ll make a post asking for questions. On Sunday, I’ll go live and answer those questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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