How Marnie Hit $1k In Her First Week.

One of the students inside of my mentorship program, Amazon Wealth Accelerator, is celebrating her fast start.

After launching her product one week ago, Marnie has already hit $1.2k. What a great start. I think this is just the beginning!

For anyone not at this stage yet, here are 3 important lessons she’s learned along the way.

#1: Attention to Detail

“The key to making your first sales is persistence and attention to detail. Focus on creating a high-quality product listing with clear, professional images and compelling descriptions.

Utilize relevant keywords to optimize your listing for search visibility. Engage in competitive pricing strategies and leverage Amazon’s advertising tools to boost product from Vine to attribution links.

Additionally, consider using promotions or discounts to attract initial buyers. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family for support and reviews to build credibility.


#2: Mindset

“Having a positive and resilient mindset was crucial. I viewed every challenge as a learning opportunity and stayed committed to my goals, even when things didn’t go as planned.

Being open to feedback and constantly looking for ways to improve my product and listing also helped. I kept reminding myself that success doesn’t happen overnight, and persistence is key. Believing in the value of my product and staying patient made a significant difference.”

3. Coaching

“Coach Caner helped me a lot with keywords and other general inquiries. Coach Camron provided invaluable assistance with my PPC campaign. Coach Raul was instrumental in addressing most of my concerns, from listing optimization, especially images, to PPC, and even social media strategies.

Special thanks to these amazing coaches. Also, anytime I have a question, I just go through the community’s past topics and research, where I can always find helpful answers. Everyone is always willing to help.”

Think you could be next? Book a 1:1 call with my team and we’ll see if you’re ready to get started.

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