How to Find High Volume Products to Sell on Amazon FBA

Is your Amazon FBA product research aggressive enough? Are you sourcing products that net up to $100k per month? Are you ready to jump into a high-risk, high-reward business model? If so, this is the guide for you! If you’re new to my website, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Camron James and I am a seven-figure Amazon seller. I have been selling on Amazon for the past five years, bringing in millions of dollars in revenue. Today, I teach sellers how they can do the same with my proven strategies. In this guide, I use a combination of various product research tools including Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and Viral Launch to find winning products, however, any product research tool will work. Without further adieu, let’s dive into high-volume product research. 

High Volume Product Research Process 

Although sourcing high-volume products isn’t right for everyone, the payoff can be huge for those willing to take some risks. To get started, I use the product keyword tool within Viral Launch. From there, follow these steps:

  1. Select a few product categories that interest you
  2. Click “Show keywords” for those categories
  3. Filter by $30k-50k per month in revenue
  4. Filter by review count up to roughly 158 or so reviews 
  5. Filter by average price, set to a minimum of $13 
  6. Click “Show keywords”
  7. View results 
  8. Skip ahead to page 4 or 5 to view less competitive products 

Pro tip: The more boring, complex, or unusual a product sounds, the better the opportunity as many other sellers avoid these types of products. For example, a wood filing cabinet, a large mirror, etc. Bonus points if you can sell a cheaper version of a well performing product. 

Once I have a solid list of products, I hop on over to Amazon and conduct further research with the (free) Helium 10 Chrome extension. I tend to look for products with low review counts and high margins. Moreover, products that have a steady track record of sales over time are usually a good bet. 

Another thing to consider when you are researching products, especially larger products is how you will ship the product properly For example, large mirrors may be easier to ship than filing cabinets because they are one piece, flat, and relatively lightweight. Consider all of these factors to make sure that the product makes sense for you. 

High Volume Products: A Deep Dive Into Hidden Gems 

Perhaps, you’ve decided that full length mirrors are something you would like to sell. In that case, you should dive deeper into this product using your Helium 10 extension. You’ll want to find products that again have lower review counts, high revenues, are cost-effective to ship, and are trending upward over a period of time as I mentioned above. 

Additionally, I suggest paying close attention to BSR. But what exactly is BSR? Here is a quick rundown: An Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is a number that Amazon assigns to items once the item has had at least one sale; it’s essentially its ranking on Amazon for sales, so the lower the BSR the higher the sales. Look over a handful of similar products, especially the top three sellers. If there are lots of sellers, it tells me there is opportunity in this niche. Unsaturated niches, offer Amazon FBA sellers a special opportunity to drive revenue like crazy, but remember, you must be creative. I encourage you to take your time researching and think of ways that you can offer products no one else is offering.

High-Volume Products In A Nutshell

If you believe you are ready to jump into a high-risk, high-reward business model, I encourage you to use product research tools including Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and Viral Launch to find winning products. Find product categories that seem interesting to you or underserved in some way and let the keyword tool guide your research path. Producing bringing in $30k-50k per month in revenue with under 200 reviews, at a minimum price of $13 or so are truly hidden gems waiting to be polished. Using the (free) Helium 10 Chrome extension you can get even more granular by looking at sales volume over time and BSR. Once you factor in shipping logistics, you can pat yourself on the back; you’ve found a great product that will likely sell well. Whether that’s a full-length mirror, a filing cabinet, or anything else shoppers want, as long as you’re filling a hole in the market you’re on your way to six figures. 

Remember, you are never alone on your Amazon FBA journey. I am always here to chat and support new sellers! Remember to use my Helium 10 code if you want to use this tool, and save 50%. If you’re a new seller and don’t want to spend money on product research, learn how to do product research for FREE, here.


My YouTube channel is here to keep you in the loop with the latest Amazon seller updates, so don’t forget to subscribe. 

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