I may have accidentally inspired my best friend to quit his job… 😅

Hey there, friends!

The year was 2017, I was in bed when my phone started ringing like crazy.

I picked it up, and it was my roommate, sounding like he just saw a ghost.

“Dude, what did you do to Trent?” he asked, his voice all shaky.

I was like, “What do you mean?”

And then he said, “Trent’s gone, man. He just left without a word!”

Now, let me back up a bit. Just a few days prior, Trent and I had taken a much-needed weekend trip to San Diego.

We both needed a break from the daily grind in Phoenix.

Trent was busting his hump as a suit salesman, while I was working hard on my Amazon business.

We had a blast – soaking up the sun, catching some waves, and maybe indulging in a few too many adult beverages.

We even found an Iowa Hawkeye alumni bar to catch some college football (go Hawks!).

On the drive back, I was already planning my next getaway – a trip to Madison for the Iowa vs. Wisconsin game.

I was pumped because we had just crushed the #3 team in the country. Meanwhile, my Amazon gig was thriving, hitting $5k a day.

Little did I know, Trent was quietly brewing in the driver’s seat.

Turns out, he was envious of the freedom my online business provided me.

Watching me plan trips on a whim while he was stuck in a job he hated was the final straw.

The next day, without a word to anyone, Trent quit his job and headed back to Iowa.

It took me a moment to realize the impact our weekend trip had on him.

Trent’s bold move was a wake-up call for me and reinforced that I was on the right path myself…

Life’s too short to waste on a job that makes you miserable.

Sometimes, you’ve got to take a chance and pursue what truly matters, even if it means giving up a steady paycheck.

So, if you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled, take a page from Trent’s book.

Embrace the unknown, take a chance, and never settle for less than what makes you truly happy.

Trust me, it’s worth it.

Stay adventurous,


P.S. – In case you’re wondering, Trent is now living his best life in Nashville. He’s got a six-figure job he loves, and we still take random camping trips together all the time. Just goes to show, that sometimes the biggest risks lead to the greatest rewards. 🌄👍

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