If Money Wasn’t A Factor…

Would you start an Amazon FBA business if money wasn’t a factor?

Just like most people out there, you are probably saying ‘Yeah, of course, you moron’.

For me, money was the biggest obstacle holding me back as well…

But I knew I was all in on this business and was going to make it work.

So I found a business credit card with a 12-month 0% APR (meaning I could carry a balance without having to pay interest for 12 months aka a short-term interest-free loan).

Was it scary? Absolutely.

But here’s why I believe it was the right move for me:

  1. Every business involves risk. There’s no such thing as a risk-free venture.
  2. I was 100% committed to making this work. Failure wasn’t an option.
  3. The credit gave me breathing room for 12 months and the capital to invest in my products.

Now, I want to be clear:

This approach isn’t for everyone.

If you’re considering a similar path, ask yourself:

Are you all in?

If you’re fully committed and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, taking out credit could be a viable option to kickstart your business.

Are you on the fence?

If you’re unsure or only partially committed, taking out credit is a bad idea.

You’d be setting yourself up for potential failure and debt.

Remember, your level of commitment directly impacts your chances of success.

If you’re not 100% in, find a way to start smaller or save up before diving in.

Either way you go, I wanted to share what I had to actually do to get started.

I decided that the risk was worth it vs. staying on the ‘safe’ path of life that was not good enough for me.

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