Kat: How A Failed Product Turned Into $5k Per Month

One of the students inside of my Amazon Wealth Accelerator mentorship program just hit an exciting milestone.

After launching her first product last year and falling, Kat just launched her second product and hit $5k in monthly sales!

What helped Kat get to this point, was relying on people who have been there before.

Kat already had one failed product and after launching her second product, she was spending a ton of money on advertising but it wasn’t selling at all.

As a result, Kat decided to ask the group for help with her PPC, and since then her sales have taken off. She even increased the price of her product by $10 during that time!

So if you’re struggling to make this business work, relying on people who have been there before is a great place to start.

Want the same type of personalized help that Kat received?

My mentorship program is designed to help even complete novices get started. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience with Amazon, sales, or running a business—seriously, not any. I’ll give you everything you need to get started and follow a clear path.

If you’re interested, book a 1:1 call with me and we’ll evaluate whether you’re ready to jump in.

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