Living to 200, possible?

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Gym Pranks

The other day I came across this fitness YouTuber, Anatoly – and ever since, I’ve been binge-watching his videos. They’re so funny and entertaining.

He’s a small-looking powerlifter, who goes to the gym dressed like a cleaner. Then, he’ll go around other powerlifters and act like he’s cleaning, and pick up their huge amounts of weight, easily.

Everyone’s just stunned. It’s frickin’ hilarious.

It’s got to be one of the most unique ways to sell a fitness program too. 

I look at him and think man, he’s obviously ripped, but he’s not huge and is still lifting massive amounts of weight. He must be doing something crazy unique. 

So I have to stop myself from looking into his program haha.

Living to 200, possible?

5-10 years ago, this guy named Brian Johnson sold his company for $800 million. And since then, he dedicated his life to anti-aging and trying to live as long as possible.

He spends about $2 million a year on anti-aging stuff and has a rigorous protocol he follows.

For most, it’s obviously a lot, but I think we can learn tidbits here and there, like what pushes aging and how we can reverse it.

I know he’s reversed his age in so many metrics. His NAD levels are like an 18-year-old, he’s got like 0% liver fat, and added to his total lifespan by like 10 plus years.

It’s fun to watch because we can take tidbits away from it to improve our daily life to see what really increases ages and aging – which is something I’m super interested in.

I’m not going to do everything he does. But I am going to watch to see if there are some drivers that I can pull into my life.

Quote of the week

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” 

– Epictetus

This Week’s Blog

Don’t Miss These 2023 Marketing Trends for E-Commerce and Amazon FBA

Live Q&A

In this week’s Live Q&A, I talked about Helium 10 Tools. I also answered a variety of questions on:

  • Bad Reviews
  • US Manufacturers
  • PPC Campaigns
  • And much more…

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my YouTube Channel. Every Wednesday, I go live to answer your questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me, and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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