My Spaceship Story

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Measured My Fat in a Spaceship 

One of my goals of late is to become more fit!

Currently, I am probably the most healthy I’ve been in a long time and now I want to push the envelope a bit for the vanity part of fitness, aka getting rip’d.

First step was building out a home gym, now the next goal is to get down to 15% body fat. As a chunky kid mostly throughout K-12 this is an exciting goal, and putting a number on the goal I think is important so I can hit certain milestones along the way.

Learning more about body fat percentage, I realized it’s harder than I thought to measure consistently and there is no perfect way. You have body calipers, DEXA Scans, Hydrostatic water tanks, and a bunch of other complicated tools.

After researching for a bit, I landed on the BODPOD

Which looks like a single person spaceship and is cheaper than some of the more advanced options. Just took my first test this week to get my baseline, then I will develop a plan (with the help of some people who have done it before) to get down to 15% body fat.

Going to be a fun adventure. Learn about all the body fat measurement tools here.

Hans Zimmer Sets the Mood 

If you remember from last week, I talked about how I can’t focus when I am listening to music with lyrics while working. Well another lyricless musician I am listening to of late is Hans Zimmer (Youtube, Spotify)

You probably have heard plenty of his music before but just don’t know it. He creates the music for some of the biggest blockbuster movies out there. 

Some examples are: Interstellar, Inception, Dune, Batman, Planet Earth, and hundreds more.

Not to sound too weird, but his music always invokes plenty of emotion for me which seems to help me focus, and of course, it’s all lyricless. Give him a listen, you and your work won’t regret it.

Rewatching Friends for the Gazillionth Time

On the opposite note of pure focus, sometimes I am in the mood to have some stimulus while I do lite work such as answering comments, checking my accounts, and responding to emails.

Now, I don’t recommend you abuse this too often because it’s impossible to get any Deep Work done when multitasking…BUT, if the mood strikes and you need some semi distraction while working, the best ones to watch are the ones you have seen hundreds of times.

Friends is that to me. I grew up watching reruns of the show after school, and have seen it so many times I am ashamed. Just enough stimulus to keep me happy, but nothing new and exciting to distract me completely from the task at hand. 

Watching it on HBO GO, if anyone needs that info.

Setting Goals

This week I took some extra time to sit down and write out what I want in my personal and business life.

I did this because I was feeling a little directionless on where I was going next, and I had been feeling this way for some time now…

Probably just like you, when I am directionless I don’t really hit any real milestone or achievement. I just wander around, checking twitter and youtube, start making shallow commitments, start pointless projects, and really don’t get anything done of real substance.

After writing out my goals for the rest of the year and for 2023, I felt reinvigorated. Now this could be just a short term high, but I plan on reminding myself of these goals daily and make sure my tasks are pointed at those goals.

If you are feeling a bit directionless right now, I challenge you to try this. I started with a notebook and then after writing them down I transferred them to a google doc. That google doc is now my google chrome homepage when I start up my computer. 

“If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.” –Lou Holtz

Live Q&A on Facebook every week

Do you have questions about Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my Facebook group. On Tuesday, I’ll make a post asking for questions. On Sunday, I’ll go live and answer those questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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