My Worst Nightmare…

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

From The Man Himself

This is the ​first long-form interview I have ever seen with Jeff Bezos​ from one of my favorite podcasters, Lex Fridman.

For a lot of us, this guy is the reason we get to do what we get to do.

Whether you love or hate him, he is a tremendously intelligent guy. Who has always boiled down his life by simple principles, which in a day where information is thrown in your face from 1000 different directions, this might be the key to ignoring the noise and staying on path.

At the beginning of the episode, he mostly talks about his space company, Blue Origin. If that does not interest you, I recommend skipping to the 1-hour 19-minute mark, where he starts discussing Amazon, Principles, and Productivity.

Tweet I Can’t Stop Laughing Over

There aren’t any words for this one…

And I’m not sure why I find this so funny, because it is a worst nightmare for someone who has a team.

The short version, an employee went a little too far with her company credit card, and the team meeting provides the entertainment.

​Full Tweet and Video Linked Here​.

Journal I Am Trying To Get More Consistent With

I think writing is one of the best ways to clear your head and get consistent on what you want.

I have always struggled with this because of the time and focus it takes to sit down every day and write.

If I ever get consistent with it, ​this 5 Minute Journal​ will be the reason why. It’s quick, all the prompts are there, and the prompts are ones that will let you focus on what is holding you back, most importantly, and what you are grateful for.

If you want to journal, but struggle like me, would give it a look.

Quote Of The Week

“Suffering is a moment of clarity, when you can no longer deny the truth of a situation and are forced into uncomfortable change. I’m lucky that I didn’t get everything I wanted in my life, or I’d be happy with my first good job, my college sweetheart, my college town. Being poor when young led to making money when old. Losing faith in my bosses and elders made me independent and an adult. Almost getting into the wrong marriage helped me recognize and enter the right one. Falling sick made me focus on my health. It goes on and on. Inside suffering is the seed of change.”

This Week’s Blog

​Amazon FBA December 2023 Updates​

This Week’s YouTube Video

​How To Sell on Amazon FBA Tiktok Shop Complete Tutorial (Automatically Fulfill Your Orders!)​

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to ​my YouTube Channel​. Every Wednesday, I go live to answer your questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need. Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, ​book a one-on-one call with me​ and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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