Proof you can grow an Amazon business in very little time

One of the students inside my Amazon Wealth Accelerator mentorship program is celebrating his quick success.

After recently joining the program, he just launched his first product, and he has already made 41 sales in his first 2 weeks of having inventory!

But how?!

What did Mikey do to get the results below in such a limited amount of time?

Well, a few weeks later Mikey shared his story, and there were 5 lessons he learned that really stood out to me… And I think they are important for all Amazon Sellers to remember.

1. Don’t Expect It To Be Easy

If you go into it with the mindset that selling on Amazon will be difficult, then you will always be anticipating and leaning into challenges – which will keep you prepared.

Be someone who’s mentally prepared from the beginning to tackle every single challenge.

2. Find A Passion Product

While this is not essential, investing your time and money into a product that you are passionate about will make your journey far more rewarding and enjoyable.

Additionally, you will work much harder to take it all the way because you have an excitement about it.

So if you can find a product that is data-informed, unique or improved, and you’re also passionate about it, that can really help keep you motivated.

3. Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain

The beginning will put your self-belief, ability to learn, and entrepreneurial grit to the test. That said, once you’ve had a successful product, and things finally begin to sell – the job becomes infinitely easier. Stay focused on:

  • Learning everything you need to learn
  • Setting up everything you need to set up
  • Paying everything you need to pay
  • Identifying relationships with great manufacturers, inspectors, and freight forwarders.

Once you’ve done that first product, you’ve systematized the business, and it gets a lot easier.

4. Remember Your Whys

In tough times, your WHY will get you through. Is it for your children? Is it so that you can do more traveling? Is it to buy a fancy new car?

Whatever your reasons are, let them be the burning vision that takes you all the way. I have my goals and WHYS written down on paper and post-it notes so that I never forget.

5. Stay In Your Lane

Invest your energy in learning and being inspired by others rather than comparing. Focus on smashing your lane at your pace because everyone’s lifestyle and resources are different.

Need someone to help you along your Amazon journey?

Let’s talk, one on one, and we’ll see if you’re ready to get started. If you are, you could be making your first sales a lot sooner than you’d think.

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