Reinvention-Sometimes You Just Gotta Do It

I feel like I’m going into a big self-reinvention period. Sometimes that comes from leaving things behind in a big move. Other times, it’s just an inner drive. For me, there are a lot of new things and experiences in my life.  and I’m using that to check in and see what else is ready to be transformed.

My Team Didn’t Need Me During Vacation

Remember last week I said that my team didn’t need me for my almost-3-weeks vacation? I’ve thought about it since and realized that this is a good tip for business owners who have teams. Leaving your business is a great way to see where the weak points are, and what holes need to be filled to make sure your business is always moving forward.

Learning About Financial Markets

You know I’m always learning, and my latest “distraction” is learning about financial markets. I’m especially following Meet Kevin.

I’ve spent so much time making money with Amazon, that I haven’t learned a lot about investing it. Kevin talks about financial markets, downtrends and uptrends, inflation worries, and real estate. He makes daily updates about the market, which I think is cool.

I’m planning on making some real estate plays soon, so I need to learn how to be prepared for that. When the time comes for me to diversify my own portfolio, I want to be informed.

Coworking Space

I just got a new coworking space. I needed a way to get out of the house, and get away from the temptations of the fridge and the dogs and all the distractions.

What’s most important to me is that it’s a place where I can meet like-minded people who are also working on growing a business. I go a little stir crazy if I’m in the house all the time, so this solves that problem, and puts me where I can make new friends who are also business owners.

Create A Self-Nurturing Environment

I’m on a quest to deliberately create an environment with fewer toxic people. It’s a three-step process actually.

  • First, you have to notice that some people and places feel toxic to you.
  • Then you have to do what it takes to remove those toxic people and situations.
  • Next, you have to take a proactive approach to finding people and groups that nurture you and support mutual growth. Look for individuals and groups with similar goals and aspirations. Test things out. See what you can build.

I Love Living In Nashville

My girlfriend and I are really enjoying our new home in Nashville. There’s water everywhere. Endless food and drink options and things to explore. I especially enjoy that there are a lot of young people in Nashville. It just feels so alive. Both of our neighbors are in their 20’s, so that’s nice.

We went to Ashland City the other day (25 minutes away). The whole city is up against the Cumberland River. We went to a brewery on the water. It was really chill, and there were a lot of people jet skiing on the river just having a good time.

We live 15 minutes from downtown, so there’s no big problem getting there if we need to. But I can go the other way and we’re 20 minutes from rolling pastures, nature, and a few mountains. I haven’t found that in any other city I’ve been to so far.

What is BSR & is it ACTUALLY Important? (Amazon FBA Product Research)

Have you ever wondered what BSR is and why it is important? Well, Amazon’s BSR stands for “Best Sellers Rank” and it’s a great way to find private label products that you can use to build a successful Amazon business.

So if you want to learn more about how to use it, then go ahead and check out the recent video I made, where I’ll walk you through using it to do product research and get competitive intel.

Live Q&A on Facebook every week

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my Facebook group. On Tuesday, I’ll make a post asking for questions. On Sunday, I’ll go live and answer those questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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