Should You Be Nervous About Making No Sales On Amazon?

One of the students inside of my Amazon Wealth Accelerator mentorship program, is celebrating an exciting milestone he just hit.

After listing his first product this month, Salil just made his first sale. Way to go, man!

Salil’s perseverance and trust in the process, have helped him get to this point, but I’ll let him explain the rest in his own words…

“Hi everyone just wanted to share that after joining AWA in December 2022, I finally got my product listed on Amazon on January 2, 2024 and made my first sale. Here is a snapshot of how things have been going since. It’s small, it’s slow but it’s a start.

Couple of things I’ve learned along the way. Don’t get nervous when you see members who joined with you or after you already going live and having sales. We’re all different and move at our own pace but the destination is the same. You’ll get there.

Second thing, trust the process. It may seem like a maze but if you take it step by step, things will start falling in to place. Cam and team have created a great road map to success for everyone to follow. Use it as a guide and move forward.”

Need a proven roadmap to follow?

My mentorship program is designed to help even complete novices get started. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience with Amazon, sales, or running a business—seriously, not any. I’ll give you everything you need to get started and follow a clear path.

If you’re interested, book a 1:1 call with me, and we’ll evaluate whether you’re ready to jump in. If you are, you could be making your first sale a lot sooner than you’d think.

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