Signs of Weakness: Don’t Overlook These Important Amazon FBA Listing Elements

Research says you’ve got about 20 seconds to make a lasting impression on consumers visiting your Amazon listing. 

That means there’s a lot riding on its visual appeal, and I don’t just mean photographs (although these are important). There are many often overlooked elements to consider when optimizing your Amazon FBA listing for a customer’s first glance.

By the end of this read, you’ll understand:

  • Common mistakes sellers make on their Amazon listing 
  • What to do to improve on them

Low-Quality Images

I can’t overstate the importance of high-quality photographs on an Amazon listing. When done right, these images draw your customers in and increase the likelihood of a sale. Contrarily, low-quality photographs will deter customers to a competitor’s and impact your bottom line. 

Not only are photographs the first thing potential buyers look at – photos give your product credibility, as well as increase customer trust. 

So you should just snap ’em’ with your iPhone, right?

Wrong. Check your local listings, use freelance sites such as, or use services like for help. It will be well worth the investment. Plus, photos can also be re-used for marketing, social media, or video content. 

So what does a high-quality photograph look like?

Amazon allows various styles and formats to provide customers with as much information as possible, including infographics, size comparisons, lifestyle photos, etc. Consider the following when uploading:

  • Consistent style and theme
  • Accurate representation of your product
  • Multiple views and angles
  • Close-up shots
  • No watermarks
  • High resolution
  • Accurate depiction of color

No Lifestyle or Staged Images

Customers are more likely to convert if your product images show their actual use by helping them visualize how their product will look and feel in real life. 

Lifestyle photos (when done correctly) create an emotional connection to potential customers, thus increasing the chance they’ll purchase your product. Here are a few ways to approach them:

  • Candid moments
  • Use of models
  • Use of props
  • Products in natural settings 

Just don’t go all Tinder profiles and upload inaccurate pictures of your product. 

On a similar note, Amazon recently upgraded its augmented reality View In Your Room feature to help consumers see how products will look in their house. However, this feature isn’t available for every product quite yet. 

Brand Name 

I often speak of the importance of registering your brand, but does your brand name really matter?

Yes and no. On one hand, it’s low on the list of factors customers consider before a purchase. However, an unprofessional or “out there” brand name might deter customers from taking your listing seriously. 

For example, if you’re selling cookware, avoid names that have nothing to do with the kitchen. Ideally, your brand name generally reflects the product you’re selling, for example, The Curious Kitchen, or Cookware United. 

Make no mistake, your brand name is visible in highlighted blue, front and center, right underneath your listing’s title. Customers will see it, so it’s best to put some thought into it. 


Avoid inconsistencies and errors in your listing. The above listing has four images with completely different fonts and colors. There are also a few punctuation, format, and spelling mistakes. 

Will these small details hurt your listing? Yes! Customers are less likely to convert on a sloppy listing. 

Keeping your branding and style consistent across all platforms will help boost brand awareness, brand identity, and create trust in your product. These nuances are very easy to overlook, especially if you lack an eye for design. Don’t be afraid to hire help to polish everything up. 

Additionally, details in your bullet points, for example, should match the information on your infographics, photos, and product description. Being lazy here won’t do your listing any favors. 

Lack of Videos

Want to hear a crazy statistic?

According to Hubspot, 96% of consumers report watching videos to learn more about a brand, with 89% saying video content helps persuade them to make a purchase. 

Videos engage and captivate, are more likely to be shared, and also help increase conversions. They’re imperative, in my opinion, for a successful Amazon product. 

Low Rating 

After photos, customers typically speed to the review section to get the low-down on what others are saying about the product.  

But the product’s overall ratings appear high on the page, completely visible at first glance. Low-ratings here will be catastrophic to your listing, and profits. 

So how do you make sure your product won’t suffer the ill fate of horrible ratings?

I recommend prioritizing the basics. This means finding a profitable product, verifying that product is worth the investment, finding a reputable supplier, ordering samples, and creating a successful launch and ad campaign, just to name a few. 

I got in-depth on all these topics on my Amazon FBA YouTube Channel. 

Are You Ready to Start Selling on Amazon? 

My Amazon Wealth Accelerator (AWA) mentorship guides you through the entire Amazon FBA process and provides a community of support with others on the exact same journey. 

You’ll get hands-on support from experienced sellers with your same goals and aspirations. 

AWA gives you a much-needed safeguard from costly mistakes, dead ends, and failed product investments to efficiently reach your passive income goals. 

So whether it’s solving issues with your Seller Central account, creative approaches to product research, scaling to new markets and niches, validating product ideas, customer service issues, and more, we’ve got you covered. 
Learn more about it here.

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