Sourcing 101: A Quick Guide to China’s Manufacturing Hotspots

Once you’ve verified a profitable Amazon product, the next step is sourcing that product from a trustworthy supplier. For many Amazon sellers, this means long hours on sorting through potential vendors. 

However, an often overlooked element of an Alibaba listing is the Chinese city where the manufacturer is located. But trust me, this is vital for negotiating the best price and guaranteeing the product’s quality is up to standard. 

But why exactly does the city matter? Shouldn’t I just aim for the best price? 

Not exactly. China is home to several different manufacturing regions, and each region “specializes” in certain products based on the proximity and availability of materials and a host of other factors. There are tons of advantages to sourcing from these areas: 

  • Consistent quality
  • Streamlined supply chain/transportation
  • More cost-effective for higher quality products
  • Ease of communication (since they’re experienced in your area)

With that in mind, it’s good business to learn a bit of Chinese geography to be better equipped for product sourcing. 

In this guide, I’ll break down those regions so you’ll better understand where in China you should be focusing efforts, depending on your specific item.

Make sure to save this page to have a quick resource for future Amazon FBA product investments. 

China Manufacturing Hotspots:


In addition to textiles, paper products, appliances, and glassware, this region also produces garlic and wheat. 

If Shandong were a country, it would be the world’s 15th biggest economy. 


The Jiangsu region specializes in textiles, sporting goods, glassware, appliances, and paper products. 

The region also produces bamboo, medicinal herbs, and silk. 


This region manufactures textiles, paper products, sporting goods, appliances, electronics, toys, as well as construction materials 


The Fujian region produces toys, food and beverages, art ware and stationery, paper products, and textiles. 

Pearl Delta Region 

As one of the largest manufacturing regions in the world. It produces a range of goods, including furniture, textiles, glassware, paper, sporting goods, electronics, and toys. 

How To Use This Guide: 

Every listing on Alibaba contains information about the manufacturer. 

It might take some digging to find, but the goal is to locate the city or region that the company operates in. 

See the below pics for an example. 

After you’ve located the city, you’ll want to cross-reference against the manufacturing hotspot and Google Maps to see if it’s an area that manufactures similar types of products. 

If they do, you’ll know you’re on the right track. Odds are this will reduce the time spent on finding a supplier, or at least help narrow your list of potential partners. 

What If The Manufacturer Isn’t Located in the Hotspot?

No worries. I wouldn’t write off suppliers/manufacturers entirely if they aren’t located within the manufacturing area, and it never hurts to reach out for more information anyway. 

In my experience, however, responses will be harder to get from non-specialized manufacturers. 

Otherwise put, it’s easier to communicate with suppliers within your niche (generally speaking). 

Does China Have Other Manufacturing Areas?

Yes, but the majority are located on the eastern coast. The Chinese government has carefully planned these economic zones near port cities for ease of trade. 

It is possible to source from other areas, but these zones were built specifically for international trade and exports. 

General Tips for Buying on Alibaba

  • Make sure suppliers are Alibaba Trade-Assured and Verified. This will help reduce the chance of scams. 
  • Experience equals customer trust. It’s a no-brainer. So if you’ve got the choice to buy the same product at a similar price from a 2-year-old company versus a company with 10 years of experience, go with more experience, even if you’re paying a bit more.
  • Before purchasing in bulk, it’s vital to order samples from the manufacturer. This is important for a host of reasons:
  1. It lets your manufacturer know you are serious about the order
  2. Allows you to self-inspect products for any defects or inconsistencies 
  3. Samples can help determine the supplier’s legitimacy. 
  4. Can help reduce buyer’s anxiety
  5. Being knowledgeable of your product will only help with sales in the long run

Are You Looking to Verify Your Product by an Experienced Amazon Seller?

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You’ll get hands-on support from experienced sellers with your same goals and aspirations. 

AWA gives you a much-needed safeguard from costly mistakes, dead ends, and failed product investments to efficiently reach your passive income goals. 

So whether it’s solving issues with your Seller Central account, creative approaches to product research, scaling to new markets and niches, validating product ideas, customer service issues, and more, we’ve got you covered. 
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