That Went Better Than Expected…

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Surgery Test Results

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I had a surgery called Cavitation. What happened was that when they pulled my wisdom teeth out about 8 years ago, the bone never properly healed.

In all 4 spots where they yanked the teeth I had bone loss and an infection that was slowly spreading. I guess when the bone never heals there is low blood flow so the immune system can’t get in there so bugs are allowed to run wild.

They did a biopsy on the gunk they cleaned out (results below), and then they made a mixture of my blood with stem cells and shot that into those areas to promote healing.

I was getting about 4 sinus infections per year, hopefully those stop with the infection on the top being right next to my sinus cavities. Along with not having chronic inflammation which is a huge plus on lessening the burden on the body.

Lake Time

I’m a HUGE fan of fresh bodies of water, not so much the ocean (scares the shit out of me… just so big!)…

Was able to spend last weekend on a giant lake here in the south with a boat. Makes me realize that a future goal is to probably have a home near water. It calms me down being on water and waking up with those views.

Another reason to keep pushing and getting better to be able to build my dream life.

New Purchase

I am not a huge fan of getting flashy cars, I see cars more as it gets me to A to B and that’s it.

I have had a stick shift Audi for 8 years now and it finally pooped out on me about 6 months ago.

After test driving a ton of cars, there was only one that made me go “WOW”.

Unfortunately for my bank account, that car was a Tesla.

The problem is that Cars are a liability, meaning that they only go down in value, unlike a home. Sooooo, I made a compromise…

I leased one! haha

Got the Model Y, so that it is spacious enough for road trips. I will say it makes all other cars stupid after being in one. Feels like you are in the future.

Don’t believe me? You can actually test drive one for free! Just make an app online, they will throw you the keys when you get there and just let you roam for about an hour.

Quote Of The Week

“Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.”

— Gustave Flaubert

This Week’s Blog

What Products to Sell on Amazon FBA?

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my YouTube Channel. Every Wednesday, I go live to answer your questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me, and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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