The Journey of a $5k Per Month Amazon Seller.

One of the students inside of my Amazon Wealth Accelerator mentorship program recently shared her story.

After launching her first product three months ago, Heather just hit $5k per month in sales. What a great start!

If you’re just getting started, there is a lot you can learn from Heather’s experience, so I’ll let her explain the rest in his own words…

“Hey guys, just hit our goal of $5k/month! With that being said, I would like to make a realistic post of what that means for newbies that haven’t launched.

We launched a little over 3 months ago and I will give a brief overview of what that looks like so far. I want to preface this post with the fact that EVERY product and launch will be different and this is just OUR experience.

We gave 30 products to Vine and have thus far received 26 Vine reviews [(22) 5-star and (4) 4-star].

We had 100% faith in our product in going in knowing that it was solid. In my opinion, you shouldn’t launch a product that you aren’t comfortable having people rate, because you will not like the end results.

Having so many being sent out for free made interpreting data confusing and the profits and losses obviously look terrible. We are very pleased with the loss/reward of the Vine reviews and it definitely helped with sales once people started seeing some proof in the product.

We had several sessions of 4-6 days with no purchases in the beginning, and that was stressful! As time went on we haven’t experienced any more of those no-purchase stretches, but you should expect them going in.

Currently, PPC is what is killing our profit (which is to be expected this early in the game). PPC is a beast but I believe Cam is working on some more videos to help those of us in a launch stage and I can’t wait to watch those!

Out of the $8k in revenue that we have “made”, we have only had about $700 deposited in our bank account. Amazon seems to keep a decent amount in reserve (think of this like escrow on a house). With us having a decent month, and our reserve hopefully being full, I am hoping for another $800 deposit next week (we will see).

In conclusion, this isn’t a get-rich-quick gig. If you are trying to launch a product you need to make sure that you have funds to get you through to your second order. We were really hoping to use the profits from the first batch to purchase our second batch of product, we weren’t realistically factoring in PPC (we are spending about $50/day).

As we reign in PPC we are hoping to see better profits and perhaps this will eventually pay for round 2 but it will be close. Amazon Seller Central is so much deeper than I expected and I am still learning loads of things in it on the daily.”

Are you ready to start your Amazon journey? Book a 1:1 call with me, and we’ll evaluate whether you’re ready to jump in.

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