This Helped Jake Hit $5k Per Month…

One of the students inside of my AWA mentorship program just hit a huge milestone, and I wanted to share what helped him get there.

After joining this year, Jake has scaled to $5k a month in sales. Way to go man!

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what Jake had to say:

“Hey everyone. Wanted to share I just hit $5k this month. The launch was a bit choppy the first week and things really started picking up.

Huge thank you to all of you who helped review my product and gave me a strong head start. Couldn’t do it without you and I appreciate you!

One of the things I think worked really well is starting aggressively with PPC and instead of optimizing into an exact campaign right away, I monitored how my targeting terms are doing in phrase and broad, and adjusted my bids accordingly to get impressions and reduce my ACOS.

Attending the launching calls and watching the PPC videos gave me quite a bit of ideas on how to optimize. Thank you, Camron!

Looking forward to continue learning from all of you to hit the next tier!”

Think you could be next? Book a one-on-one call with me, and we’ll see if you’re ready to get started.

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