Who says it can’t be exciting…

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

The New Age of Media

MKBHD is essentially the biggest tech reviewer on Youtube, and he recently shared a behind the scenes of his $1 million studio – which is just awesome.

He goes through a studio, how he films, and everything like that.

And it got me thinking…

This is kind of the new age of media, and what it will look like. Young people who are dominant on social media.

They get more views than your local & national news channels…

I think this will just keep growing too as the tech age keeps being more embedded and cable kind of runs its course. So this is just a really good example of what people are building online and how all of the money is shifting towards the “new media”. 

4 Round Playoff with Walk Off (& Security Tackle)

A couple of weeks ago on the Canadian PGA Tour, there was a crazy putt to win it all.

The match went into a sudden death playoff, and in the 4th round one of the golfers sunk a 72 ft. putt to win it in front of his home crowd. As a golf lover it was just cool to watch.

Obviously, the crowd went crazy, and some of the fans even stormed the green. So security tackled one of the golfers who went out to celebrate because they thought he was a fan – which is pretty hilarious.

Who says golf can’t be exciting?

Tweet Of The Week

People who achieve goals faster, don’t actually move *faster*—they achieve more with every step.

This is the basis of leverage.

They get more for what they put in.

If you’re not moving as fast as you want, you may be doing the wrong stuff.

— Alex Hormozi 

This Week’s Blog

How To Pick an Amazon FBA Brand Name in 2023

This Week’s YouTube Videos

How to Start An LLC for Amazon FBA (US Citizens & NON Residents without SSN)

What it ACTUALLY Costs To Start Amazon FBA

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to my YouTube Channel. Every Wednesday, I go live to answer your questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need.

Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, book a one-on-one call with me, and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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