Why I Don’t Make New Years Resolutions…

Here are a few resources I’ve created and a few things I’ve been enjoying outside Amazon FBA.

Why I Don’t Make New Years Resolutions

Every year people try to make big changes on the New Year. I think making big changes are great, but waiting for a date to make these changes is dumb.

To me, this is a form of procrastination and on top of this, YOU are giving yourself permission to do this terrible behavior even more so because of this arbitrary date you have set for yourself.

Think about it…

If you tell yourself I am going to stop eating cheeseburgers and milkshakes starting January 1st, the weeks leading up to stopping you can now tell yourself – “It’s okay, I’ll go ahead and get McDonald’s because I am stopping on this date” then not feel guilty about it all.

Then the 1st comes around, you stop for a week or even a MONTH, then you get invited out and you cave and devour this terrible food again. Since you failed, the floodgates open again and you never think about stopping until the next new year comes around.

Whereas if you tell yourself, on whatever date it is, that I am STOPPING TODAY…

  1. You start your positive change sooner.
  2. If you slip up, and you will, you can simply tell yourself never again at that new date and time and start your streak again.

Reenforcing this new behavior with a fresh motivation, and having more practice at it will only get you closer to making this new change a habit.

To summarize this terribly written story, don’t wait until the new year or next week, next month, whatever it is, to start making changes.

Start going to the gym, start that business, change your diet, and make that change you want NOW.

Then fall on your face, and get better next time knowing that you will have slip-ups but each slip-up you will learn from.

Then get back after it to make it a full-fledged part of your life.

New Favorite Hot Beverage

Coffee and caffeine mess me up. Makes me crash, makes me anxious, and overall makes my quality of life worse after about of week of consistent use (a change that I am constantly failing and working on).

To try to wean off caffeine and avoid the nasty withdrawal, I switched to something less potent.

This leads me to my favorite at-home green tea I’ve ever found. ​It is a brand called Teapigs​.

I found that even if I drink this every day, I really don’t have the same issues I do with coffee AND I still get that hot cup of liquid in the morning, with a little energy boost that I crave.

TikTok Ads Bonus

Running external traffic to your Amazon listings is I hack in my opinion. It’s hard to do but once you figure it out you can outsell and outrank your opponents.

One of the best platforms to run external traffic to your listings right now is TikTok Ads.

On that note, ​I found a deal where you get 1 for 1 ad credit for every dollar you spend up to $2,000​.

Meaning if you spend $2,000 on TikTok Ads, you get an additional $2,000 in ad credits, a total of $4,000 of total ad spend.

I deserve 0 credit for this, I just stumbled upon this from a guy named ​Sebastian Ghiorghiu​. If you thank anyone, make sure you thank him.

Short Quote of the Week

“Never quit in the messy middle.” — Leila Hormozi

This Week’s Blog

​Sourcing 101: A Quick Guide to China’s Manufacturing Hotspots​

This Week’s YouTube Video

​How To Find Profitable Christmas and Seasonal Products on Amazon​

Have Amazon FBA Questions?

Do you have questions about selling on Amazon FBA? I have answers! Head over to ​my YouTube Channel​. Every Wednesday, I go live to answer your questions. It’s the quickest way to get plugged in and find the exact info you need. Or if you know you want to dive in deeper, ​book a one-on-one call with me​, and we’ll talk about AWA, my mentorship program, and see if you’re a good fit.

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